As creator and copywriter I secured a 25K budget to launch Crenshaw CORE as Team One’s corporate responsibility initiative. Here I served as copywriter and content creator for the entire project for 40 small businesses under the advisory of the CCO. Below is a recap of the overall project as well as corresponding assets and copy. 

How it Started

Crenshaw CORE is Team One's winning Launch an Idea project selected by the President and Chief Creative Officer. As co-creator of Crenshaw CORE, I am proud to say our project proved to be a success engaging 42 businesses in South LA and providing each with 50k worth of professional knowledge and assets.

The Problem

Prosperous small family owned businesses are often displaced as a result of gentrification, a specific type of development that raises costs and rent to a point where the current community could not possibly continue to survive. The area of Crenshaw and Leimert Park is known o be Los Angeles' cultural hub for African American culture consisting of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation business owners who are now facing these threats due to the construction of the Metro Line and local developments. Many businesses have already been closed down as a result of their storefronts being blocked from customer access causing many families to have to move out of the community.

Our goal was to ensure South LA business owners continue to thrive on and beyond the block.


What We Did

  • Created a small business incubator mentor program carefully designed to address and solve the obstacles specific to South LA businesses.

  • Used our 25k grant to invest in the community by ensuring all money spent went directly toward businesses within that area or sustainable assets.

  • Hosted Stories From the Heart, a night of inspiration, networking and guidance from successful community leaders and entrepreneurs.

  • Hosted the Better Business Bootcamp teaching business owners unique strategies through a curriculum designed specifically for them in Product Design & Management, Digital Marketing and Analytics.

  • Gave each business owner professional assets including headshots, Squarespace accounts, General Assembly credit, Canva subscriptions and financial consultations.

  • Provided 150 flash derived with curates business content including templates and how to decks.

  • Crafted a Social Media Channel representing the businesses int he South LA area with the purpose to market, support, inspire and educate them and the community.


The Creators

We’re not the average advertising professionals. We’re five young creatives who entered the industry driven by purpose. We’re passionate risk takers always looking to do better, be better, and achieve for the better.

On November 12th 2016, our advertising agency Team One challenged us to create a cause related project that would be worthy of their funding. We won that challenge and turned it into an opportunity for the entire community of Crenshaw.

We’re here, we’re listening and we pledge to do everything we can to not just get on beat with the community – but amplify it across the nation as well.


The Speakers


Social Media Content


We're creating a legacy, either you're in or you're out. Learn more about our fight against gentrification and visit

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